Monday, June 18, 2012

Pah I almost forgot to put a title!

These past few weeks have been so wibble wobble.
So I won't talk about those, especially since well I don't remember that far.
All I know is right now, right here (3:02am ; parents house) I'm feelin good.
But you know, my mood is always swayed by the music i'm listening to.
(scroll down to see the mesmerizing song of the night)

This music is making me feel so reminiscant.
Looking back, this year, I've met so many new people.
Some obviously, not the best match, but a few wonderful people.
And I'm just so happy to have these in my life, and to continue meeting them
it's found one four-leaf clover, and you jump for joy but cherish it
thinking it may the only one you'll ever find.

but then suddenly you're finding so many more.
when you thought you were so lucky, to have even gotten one.
I hope these people stick around, in other words, I hope I can be a four-leafed clover to them too!

anyways, my fault for starting this so late. It's getting to that point where I am looking at common words, and thinking they're spelled kinda funny.
for example; current. feels like it should be kurent. I don't know mannn.
that is when you know...

here are my current sounds, check em out
both just...riveting. I think I may step outside for abit and let myself be swept awayy.
If only music were a man, i'd love him unconditional.

 "Little Fly" - Esperanza Spalding
This wonderful woman was introduced to me by a wonderful man. Does her voice not melt you? Wicked Witch of the West ; Water. Me ; Her voice. Yowza
"I'll Drown" - Soley
Another melting voice. And in this song in particular, she uses like handpan drums or and like muted cymbals in contrast. Looovee the percussion in this piece.