Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Cuh-reepy Shiz

I was debating creating a new post today, but I kept thinking "cc, don't over-do it!"
but obviously I think we know who won [inner cc "yusss"]

People dread a lot of things. It's different for everyone of course
today was my dia del dread man.

I had to wake up at 7. [Dread #1],for a DENTIST APP [dread #2]

cleanings are def one of the worst dental processes. esp cleanings with braces, the BAKING SODA BLAST. EEAAAAAAAHHNOOO!!

and is it just me, or is this how you see the dentist too?

Spanish test yo. I know I did super bad on it, and before you all start consoling me with "i'm sure you did fine" 's think about it this way. I didn't even know what fcking chapter we had been studying this past week. So easy to assume, I probably didn't do so hot.

And finally and hopefully the last of the day...if not week. [foreva plz]
I was slowly drifting off into what would have been a blissful nap [not gunna lie, was wishing for erotic dreams] but was rudely awakened/frightened by a HUGE SPIDERR!!!


ok it wasn't THAT BIG. but it freaked the yoga pants offa me.
and yoga pants are tight yo.
I knew I couldn't have it tip-toeing around my life, so I ran to grab kleenex
that's when I kinda lost it, everything was a big blur,
before I knew it, the spider was dead in the tissue and in the trash.
uhhnn. oooh lookatme killin machine. ooh aaah eeh GRRR!

I think that's all the excitement I need today. No mas por favor ;[
at this time i'd like to take that nap [dreams included; fingers crossed] then go kick it with a
very important friend, play some video games, smoke some dope
yknow yknow- the stuff we all look forward to ;]

Currently Listening to: "Do It Well" - The Giving Tree Band

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