Friday, April 20, 2012

Say WHAT?!

Hey everyone, and Christine.

It's been a little bit huh! These past few days have been feelin' gooood.
and i'm so proud to say it :D

I've managed to stay on top of my homework [or at least got my leg over a chunk]
I've found some HILARIOUSS videos that almost made me pee my poor yoga pants!
So hilarious that 20 secs in I was already at that "silent laugh" where it's less of a laugh
and more of a fight between your laughing needs against need oxygen...
It was a STRUGGLE moving my hand from my stomach to the mouse to pause the
damn video before I blew into bits of confetti, cotton candy and a bits o spaghetti~ HA.

that funny.
but I was also really stinkin high 4:45am.
ha...oops? [insomniainsomniainsomnia]

ANDDD you guys know Spotify right?
that AWESOME music thingy?
If you don't, you're really missin out, it's a great way to find new sounds.

I was jammin out to something lovely, when I noticed that a friend of mine [who has great taste]
was listening to the same band for dayyss. Creep*creep*
Basically what i'm getting to is I came across a GREAT band.
But i'll tell you more laterr~

But I wanted to talk about marijuana and the relationship that I chose to have with it.
Yes, I know it's illegal. I follow laws mind you. Always got my belt on, I don't litter or loiter,
don't buy drinks with a fake i.d. The only law I knowingly break other than this is speeding.
but whoo carees.

ANYWAYS, the reason I am morally comfortable with it is because, I can't believe it's illegal.
To me I see cigarettes to be one of the most vile things on this planet. Yet, it's legal.
Oh how convenient! For the low price of 6-8 dollars you can buy DEATHSENTENCES.
I just don't get it. But to me it's another sick ploy that has it's hands intertwined with dirty money.
but LOTS of it.

And to be honest, one of ultimate reason for legalizing weed in the future will be
because it is a big buck makin business. ohh this planet is cruel.

anyways another thought that helps me sleep at night
is well I like the effects it has on me. duhh. It makes me calm, happy
and more appreciate of the things and people around me--well not directly
it just helps me notice more things, which then leads to whaBAM!
and a lotta time it makes me sleepy, and for an insomniac, that's glooorious.
but I believe in self-control too man. You gotta realize what you're doing IS a drug
and that if you do decide to go with that flow, there can be consequences.
One of the consequences is memory loss.
And I totally forgot where the rest of this story was going. DANG.
(how often does that happen to you? depends, do you toke the herb?)
agh well i'll you another day maybe ;D

happy 420 !
(funny secret, a friend and I were talking about wanting to smoke today
when I made the loudest "I SMOKE WEED" gesture...*The Puff Puff Pass*
just as my professor decided to look up in my direction. I just started laughing and said sorry...

anyways here are the goodies I promised.
The first video I laughed my little tush off to. I really like this guy because
he tells stories just like I do, totally surrounding you with the story like you're there yourself.

Next goody is MUSICCCC <333
This band is called Future Islands and the track is Tin Man

And some other artists (and a suggestion song) that I found recently~
The Builders and The Butchers - "Moon in on the March"
Sleep Party People - "I'm Not Human At All"
Matisyahu - "Ancient Lullabies"
Mimosa - "Julia's Labyrinth"
I Am the Architect - "Walk in Regret"

They're all pretty different genres, so if one doesn't quite ring the ding, poke another one.

peace out! [t-minus 6 min. until 4/21 ;[
happy holi-dazeee.

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