Monday, April 2, 2012

A Laaay-Z Monday

Aaaahhh! Just as the title says yo!
I ended up staying up pretty late last night trying to get this blog up.
I don't regret it; but I do regret waking up at 11 :/
missed my bus ---- missing spanish class.

I hope this is an ongoing project for myself, i'd like to see my split personalities laid out next to one-another so that I can truly see my strange tendencies. Eep i'm a little scared !!

I am lucid dreamer.
For those of that do not know what means, think about the movie "Inception" [fantastic movie by the way], but basically i'm like those guys without the machinery, and of course, lack of DiCaprio. I'm able to control many aspects of my dreams, bending it to make something craaazy.

I'm usually pretty good at remembering my dreams when I wake up.
But today was completely different. As I could feel my eyes fluttering slowly and the presence of my physical body, I was already starting to forget, and by the time I saw the colorful bandanas on my ceiling; it had completely fazed out, without a trace.
I struggled to grasp at any pieces, but it was like gripping smoke.
It had left me, but a big throbbing thought replaced it.
"I mistreat people. Before I meet them, after I meet them, and even the ones I love"
I'm in the process i'm trying to figure out if that is true.
I know I'm not perfect, i'm only human psshht. Sometimes I forget how blessed
I am to have these people in my world, and even more so that they choose to include me in theirs.
But, I have to agree, I slip and I take them for granted.

my aspiration for today is making sure I treat everyone the way they make me feel.
I am going to work on giving back the powerful emotions and bliss I recieve from these lovely hearts.
Today is my day to be selfless, and shower the ones that care for me in the warmth they make me feel
For any and all of you reading this; thanks.
And to you, the lovers, Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I really do hope I can match the inspiration and wealth you indulge me in.
Hopefully this will be a success, and I can continue making this a part of my life.
Cheers, TO LOVE!

Currently Listening to: "Pawn Shop" - Sublime

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